Three colleagues from Assurant will be sharing their insight on key industry topics as they take part in panel discussions at the UK Insurance Innovators Summit.

Taking place on 15th and 16th November at the QEII Centre in London, the event is billed as the world’s most important insurance conference, bringing together over 1200 big hitters and next-gen disruptors from across the industry.

First up on the Wednesday is Elliot Gradwell, Commercial Director for Connected Living, who will be taking part in the session – The Changing Face of Distribution, and sharing his views on how providers can keep pace with changing customer behaviour. This will look at how insurers can plan for the future and the impact it will have on customer service channels.

The following day, Lee Sturgeon, UK Client Director, will be on stage as part of the Value-added services and gamification session. Lee will join the discussion around the move to predict and prevent which is expected to become a key component in reinventing the relationship which customers will have with their insurance providers.

Then last but by no means least, Dave Jones, Product & Propositions Director, will be sharing his insight on how providers can influence behaviour with value-added services. This panel discussion will delve into how value-added services can give insurers the opportunity to shift from being perceived as a utility provider to become a lifetime partner.

We look forward to reporting back on the key discussion points and the different perspectives shared from the panellists.

There’s still time to purchase tickets for the Insurance Innovators Summit. Visit the event page for more information.