HMS Belfast provided the fitting backdrop for this year's Assurant Solutions Insight event as industry experts came together to discuss the battle for the customer in a mobile world.
The evening was facilitated by technology enthusiast and presenter of BBC Click, Kate Russell. Kate was supported by our expert panel of four protagonists brought together from different areas of the mobile world to share their viewpoints and promote discussion from the 60+ guests in the room.
The outcome was some fabulous debates and insights which addressed key subject matters including; the battle for customer acquisition, the push for payments and creating connected homes.
Andy Morris, Business Development Director at Assurant Solutions, said: “Like previous Insight events, it turned out to be another interesting, diverse and thought provoking evening. This was helped by the fact we had so many leading experts together in one room representing all of the key players in the battle who could share a broad range of perspectives. ”
Mark Read, Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing added: “The event was a great success and the feedback we’ve received from those who attended was fantastic. To see a packed room full of guests representing mobile telecoms providers, banks, retailers and payment providers demonstrates our capability as a business to bring stakeholders together to share views on the key issues that have a big impact in the markets in which we operate.”